

实验室负责人:周欣 副教授

  周欣,上海师范大学生命科学学院副教授。1996年毕业于中国农业大学生命科学学院,获理学士学位;2007年毕业于中科院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所,获遗传学博士学位;之后在美国杜克大学从事博士后研究。2016年进入上海师范大学工作。作为第一或者通信作者发表SCI论文10余篇,包括Plant Physiology, Plant Journal, Molecular Plant, PLoS GeneticsJournal of Integrative Plant Biology等学术期刊。


副教授:  周欣



1. 植物衰老的激素调控

2. 植物发育的激素互作调控


1. EIN3互作蛋白EII6调控拟南芥叶片衰老启动的分子机理,国家自然科学基金项目,2020.1 – 2023.12

2. ZmNAC126转录因子调控玉米叶片衰老和籽粒醇溶蛋白积累的双重功能机制研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2018.1 – 2018.12

3. EIN3通过一个WRKY转录因子EIT6协同调控拟南芥叶片衰老的机理研究,上海市自然科学基金项目,2017.5 – 2020.4


1. Wang C, Dai S, Zhang ZL, Lao W, Wang R, Meng X, Zhou X*. (2021) Ethylene and salicylic acid synergistically accelerate leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. J Integr Plant Biol. 63(5):828-833.

2. Zhang DY, Zhu Z, Gao J, Zhou X, Zhu S, Wang XY, Wang XL, Ren GD, and Kuai BK*. (2021) The NPR1-WRKY46-WRKY6 signaling cascade mediates probenazole/salicylic acid-elicited leaf senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Integr Plant Biol. 63(5):924-936.

3. Chaoqi Wang, Shouyi Dai, Zhong-Lin Zhang, Wenqing Lao, Ruiying Wang, Xianqing Meng,Xin Zhou *.2021. Ethylene and salicylic acid synergistically accelerate leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology.63(5):828-833. 

4. Zhen Yang, Chaoqi Wang, Kai Qiu, Huiru Chen, Zhongpeng Li, Xin Li, Jiangbo Song, Xiaolei Wang, Jiong Gao, Benke Kuai *,Xin Zhou *.2020. The transcription factor ZmNAC126 accelerates leaf senescence downstream of the ethylene signalling pathway in maize. Plant Cell Environment. 43(9):2287-2300. 

5. Junyi Chen, Xiaoyu Zhu, Jun Ren, Kai Qiu, Zhongpeng Li, Zuokun Xie, Jiong Gao, XinZhou*, and Benke Kuai*. 2017. Suppressor of Overexpression of CO 1 negatively regulates dark-induced leaf degreening and senescence by directly repressing Pheophytinase and other senescence-associated genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 173(3):1881-1891

6. Xin Zhou, Zhonglin Zhang, Ludmila Tyler, Jikumaru Yusuke, Kai Qiu, Jeongmoo Park, Edward Nam, Shelley Lumba, Darrell Desveaux, Peter McCourt, Yuji Kamiya, and Tai-ping Sun. 2016. ERF11 Promotes Internode Elongation by Activating Gibberellin Biosynthesis and Signaling Pathways in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 171:2760–2770 

7. Shan Gao, Jiong Gao, Xiaoyu Zhu, Yi Song, Zhongpeng Li, Guodong Ren, Xin Zhou* and Benke Kuai*. 2016. ABF2/3/4 promote ABA-mediated chlorophyll degradation via directly activating the expression of chlorophyll catabolic genes in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 9: 1272–1285

8. Zhongpeng Li, Xiaolei Wang, Junyi Chen, Jiong Gao, Xin Zhou*, Benke Kuai*. 2016. CCX1, a Ca2+/cation exchanger, participates in regulation of reactive oxygen species homeostasis and leaf senescence. Plant Cell Physiology, 57: 2611-2619

9. Kai Qiu, Zhongpeng Li, Zhen Yang, Junyi Chen, Shouxin Wu, Xiaoyu Zhu, Shan Gao, Jiong Gao, Guodong Ren, Benke Kuai* and Xin Zhou*. 2015. EIN3 and ORE1 Accelerate Degreening during Ethylene-mediated Leaf Senescence by Directly Activating Chlorophyll Catabolic Genes in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genetics, 11(7):e1005399

10. Xiaoyu Zhu, Junyi Chen, Zuokun Xie, Jiong Gao, Guodong Ren, Shan Gao, Xin Zhou* and Benke Kuai*. 2015. Jasmonic Acid Promotes Degreening via MYC2/3/4- and ANAC019/055/072-mediated Regulation of Major Chlorophyll Catabolic Genes. Plant Journal, 84:597-610

11.Xiaoyan Wang, Jiong Gao, Zheng Zhu, Xianxin Dong, Xiaolei Wang, Guodong Ren, Xin Zhou* and Benke Kuai*. 2015. TCP transcription factors are critical for the coordinated regulation of ISOCHORISMATE SYNTHASE 1 expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal, 82(1):151-162

12. Xin Zhou, Qian Liu, Fang Xie and Chi-Kuang Wen. 2007. RTE1 Is a Golgi-Associated and ETR1-Dependent Negative Regulator of Ethylene Responses. Plant Physiology, 145:75-86