

实验室负责人:孟祥宗 教授

孟祥宗,上海师范大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师。2010年在中科院上海生命科学研究院获遗传学博士学位;2010至2016年先后在美国密苏里大学和德州农工大学从事博士后研究;2016至2019年任上海大学教授;2019年6月起任上海师范大学教授。2016年入选国家海外高层次青年人才引进计划,2021年获卫志明青年创新奖,主持多项国家自然科学基金项目。目前已发表论文近40篇,其中在Plant Cell、Trends in Plant Science、New Phytologist等国际主流期刊上以通讯作者或第一作者发表论文20篇,所发表论文已被引用3000多次。目前担任上海师范大学生命科学学院副院长、上海市植物分子科学重点实验室主任、上海市生物工程学会理事、中国植物生理与分子生物学学会青年工作委员会委员。


教 授:孟祥宗





1. 植物免疫信号传导

2. 植物抗病分子机制

3. 植物抗病基因工程


1. 国家海外高层次青年人才引进计划,植物免疫信号传导机制,2016-2018;

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,ERECTA家族类受体激酶调控植物生长发育的分子机制,2017-2020;

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,拟南芥钙依赖蛋白激酶调控植保素合成及转运的分子机制,2020-2023;

代表性论文:(*corresponding author):

1. He Y, He X, Wang X, Hao M, Gao J, Wang Y, Yang ZN, Meng X*. (2023) An EPFL peptide signaling pathway promotes stamen elongation via enhancing filament cell proliferation to ensure successful self-pollination in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytol 238(3):1045-1058.

2. He Y, Meng X*. (2023) Dual function of the CHS3-CSA1 immune receptor pair. Trends in Plant Science, 28(4): 375-378.

3. Bi W, Liu J, Li Y, He Z, Chen Y, Zhao T, Liang X, Wang X, Meng X, Dou D, Xu G. (2023) CRISPR/Cas9-guided editing of a novel susceptibility gene in potato improves Phytophthora resistance without growth penalty. Plant 4. Biotechnol J, doi: 10.1111/pbi.14175.

4. Wang X., Meng X*. (2024) Rapid Identification of Peptide-Receptor-Coreceptor Complexes in Protoplasts. Methods Mol Biol, 2731:241-251.

5. Zhou J., Mu Q., Wang X., Zhang J., Yu H., Huang T., He Y., Dai S., and Meng X*. Multilayered synergistic regulation of phytoalexin biosynthesis by ethylene, jasmonate and MAPK signaling pathways in ArabidopsisPlant Cell 2022, 34(8):3066-3087.

6. Wang X., Meng H., Tang Y., Zhang Y., He Y., Zhou J., and Meng X*. Phosphorylation of an ethylene response factor by MPK3/MPK6 mediates negative feedback regulation of pathogen-induced ethylene biosynthesis in ArabidopsisJournal of Genetics and Genomics 2022, 49(8):810-822.

7. Zhou J., Mu Q., Wang X., Zhang J., Yu H., Huang T., He Y., Dai S., and Meng X*Multilayered synergistic regulation of phytoalexin biosynthesis by ethylene, jasmonate, and MAPK signaling pathways in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 2022, https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koac139. 

8. Wang X., Zhang N., Zhang L., He Y., Cai C., Zhou J., Li J., and Meng X*. Perception of the pathogen-induced peptide RGF7 by the receptor-like kinases RGI4 and RGI5 triggers innate immunity in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 2021, 230(3): 1110-1125.

9. Zhou J, Wang X, He Y, Sang T, Wang P, Dai S, Zhang S and Meng X*. Differential Phosphorylation of the Transcription Factor WRKY33 by the Protein Kinases CPK5/CPK6 and MPK3/MPK6 Cooperatively Regulates Camalexin Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 2020, 32(8): 2621-2638.

10.  He Y. and Meng X*. MAPK signaling: emerging roles in lateral root formation. Trends in Plant Science 2020,25(2):126-129.

11.  He Y, Xu J, Wang X, He X, Wang Y, Zhou J, Zhang S, and Meng X*. The  Arabidopsis Pleiotropic Drug Resistance Transporters PEN3 and PDR12 Mediate Camalexin Secretion for Resistance to Botrytis cinereaPlant Cell 2019, 31: 2206- 2222.

12.  He Y., Zhou J., and Meng X*. Phosphoregulation of Ca2+ Influx in Plant Immunity. Trends in Plant Science 2019, 24(12): 1067-1069.