1. 个人简介: 于楠博士,副教授,遗传专业硕士生导师 教育经历: 2003-2010,博士,中科院上海生科院植物生理生态研究所 1999-2003,学士,上海交通大学 工作经历: 2015-至今,上海师范大学 副教授 2013-2015,中科院上海生科院植物生理生态研究所,博士后 2010-2013,英国John Innes Center,博士后
2. 主要研究方向: 现主要从事植物根部干细胞层命运决定分子机制及豆科植物根瘤发育分子机理的研究。通过分离模式植物拟南芥根发育过程中不同蛋白复合体,系统解析植物根部不同细胞类型的分化机制,并在豆科植物中探索其对根瘤发育的调控机制,为作物的营养高效利开发提供重要理论基础。近年主要研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表在Plant Cell, Nucleic Acids Research, Cell Research, Molecular Plant等国际知名期刊。研究获国家自然科学基金等项目的支持。
3. 代表性科研项目: 国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目): SIP1-SHR-SCR 蛋白复合体调控根分生组织发育分子机制的研究,。2016-2018。20万元。(C020408)。
4. 代表性论文及著作: Dong WT, Zhu YY, Chang HZ et al., Yu N, Wang ET* 2021. An SHR–SCR module specifies legume cortical cell fate to enable nodulation. Nature. 589, 586–590. Wang XL, Wang MX, Xie XG, Guo SY, Zhou Y, Zhang XB#, Yu N*, Wang ET*. 2020. An amplification-selection model for quantified rhizosphere microbiota assembly. Science Bulletin. 65(12):983-986. Liu H, Zhang C, Yang J, Yu N*, Wang ET*. 2018. Hormone modulation of legume-rhizobial symbiosis. J Integr Plant Biol. 60(8):632-648. Wang WX, Shi JC, Xie QJ, Jiang YN, Yu N*, Wang ET*2017. Nutrient exchange and regulation in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Molecular Plant 10:1147-1158. Wang C, Wang G, Zhang C, Zhu PK, Dai HL, Yu N, He ZH, Xu L, Wang ET*2017.OsCERK1-mediated chitin perception and immune signaling requires Receptor-like Cytoplasmic Kinase 185 to activate a MAPK cascade in rice. Molecular Plant 10: 619-633. Yu N+, Nuetzmann HW*+, MacDonald JT, Moore B, Field B, Berriri S et al. 2016. Delineation of metabolic gene clusters in plant genomes by chromatin signatures. Nucleic Acids Research , 44(5):2255-65. Jin Y+, Liu H+, Luo DX, Yu N, Dong WT, Wang C, Zhang XW, Dai HL, Yang J, Wang ET* 2016. DELLA proteins are common components of symbiotic rhizobial and mycorrhizal signalling pathways. Nature Communications 12433. Wang ET#+, Yu N+, Bano SA, Liu CW, Miller AJ, Cousins D, Zhang XW, Ratet P, Tadege M, Mysore KS, Downie JA, Murray JD, Oldroyd G, Schultze M 2014. A H+-ATPase that energizes nutrient uptake during mycorrhizal symbioses in rice and Medicago truncatula. The Plant cell 26(4):1818-1830 Yu N+, Luo DX+, Zhang XW+, Liu JZ, Wang WX, Jin Y, Dong WT, Liu JY, Liu H, Yang WB, Zeng LJ, Li Q, He ZH, Oldroyd G,Wang ET*2014A DELLA protein complex controls the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in plants. Cell research 24(1): 130. Yu N+, Cai WJ+, Wang SC, Shan CM, Wang LJ, Chen XY 2010. Temporal control of trichome distribution by microRNA156-targeted SPL genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell 22(7):2322-2335. (高引论文)