
1. 个人简介: 时津霞博士,讲师
教育经历: 2005-2008,博士,韩国国立汉城大学 2000-2003,硕士,西北农林科技大学 1996-2000,学士,河南科技学院
工作经历: 2017-至今,讲师
2. 主要研究方向: 1) 柑橘黄龙病效应子致病机理研究。 2) 大豆疫霉RNA沉默抑制子致病机理研究。
3. 代表性科研项目: 1) 主持国家重点研发项目柑橘黄龙病病原生物学及检测监测新技术研究(2018YFD020150)子课题黄龙病菌重要基因筛选及功能研究
4. 代表性论文及著作: Peng Zhang(#); Yijuan Jia(#); Jinxia Shi(#); Chen Chen; Wenwu Ye; Yuanchao Wang; Wenbo Ma; Yongli Qiao(*) The WY domain in the Phytophthora effector PSR1 is required for infection and RNA silencing suppression activity. New Phytologist. 2019.7, 223(2): 839-852 Yongli Qiao(#); Jinxia Shi(#); Yi Zhai,; Yingnan Hou; Wenbo Ma(*) Phytophthora effector targets a novel component of small RNA pathway in plants to promote infection. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2015.5, 112(18): 5850~5855 Jinxia Shi; Deborah Pagliaccia; Robyn Morgan; Yongli Qiao; Songqin Pan; Georgios Vidalakis; Wenbo Ma(*) Novel Diagnosis for Citrus Stubborn Disease by Detection of a Spiroplasmacitri-Secreted Protein. PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 2014.2, 104(2): 188~195 Jinxia Shi; Seon-In Yeom; Won-Hee Kang; Min-Kyu Park; Doil Choi; Jin-Kyung Kwon; Jung-Heon Han; Heung-Ryul Lee; Byung-Dong Kim; Byoung-Cheorl Kang(*) Isolation of an Rx homolog from C. annuum and the evolution of Rx genes in the Solanaceae family. PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY REPORTS, 2011.10, 5(4): 331~344 Jinxia Shi; Doil Choi; Byung-Dong Kim; Byoung-Cheorl Kang(*) Study on Inheritance of Potato virus X Resistance in Capsicum annuum, The Plant Pathology Journal, 2008.11, 24(4): 433~438