

1. 个人简介:







2015-至今,上海师范大学 讲师

2. 主要研究方向:

[1] 植物雄性不育和育性调控

3. 代表性科研项目:

[1] 转录因子TDF1对拟南芥分泌型绒毡层发育与功能的转录调控,国家自然科学基金(青年项目),2017-2019

[2] 转录因子TDF1对拟南芥绒毡层及花粉壁发育的转录调控研究,上海市科学技术委员会“扬帆计划”项目,2016-2019

[3] 转录因子异位表达对于花粉壁形成的影响,上海市教育委员会“晨光计划”项目,2016-2018

4. 代表性论文及著作:


  1. Xiong SX, Zeng QY, Hou JQ, Hou LL, Zhu J, Yang M, Yang, ZN and Lou Y*. 2020. The temporal regulation of TEK contributes to pollen wall exine patterning. PLoS Genet16(5): e1008807.

  2. Zhu J#, Lou Y#, Shi QS#, Zhang S#, Zhou WT, Yang J, Zhang C, Yao XZ, Xu T, Liu JL, Zhou L, Hou JQ, Wang JQ, Wang S, Huang XH and Yang ZN.* 2020. Slowing development restores the fertility of thermo-sensitive male-sterile plant lines. Nat. Plant 6:360-367.

  3. Lou Y+, Zhou HS, Han Y, Zeng QY, Zhu J*& Yang ZN*.2018. Positive regulation of AMS by TDF1 and the formation of aTDF1–AMS complex are required for anther development in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytol. 217(1):378-391.

  4. Lou Y+, Xu XF+, Zhu J+, Gu JN, Blackmore S & Yang ZN*. 2014.  The tapetal AHL family protein TEK determines nexine formation in the pollen wall. Nat Commun. (5): 3855.

  5. Zhu, J+., Lou, Y+., Xu, X. F. &Yang, Z. N*. A genetic pathway for tapetum development and function in Arabidopsis. (2011) JIPB. (53): 892-900.


[1]Lou, Y., Zhu, J. & Yang, Z. N*. Molecular cell biology of pollen walls. in: Applied plant cell biology. (eds Peter, N. & Zdeněk, O.) 179-205 (Springer Press, 2014).

5. 获奖情况:
